成绩的提高是同学们提高总体学习成绩的重要途径,小编为大家整理了九年级英语上册Unit 12达标检测题人教新目标版,希望同学们牢牢掌握,不断取得进步!
( )1.My mother finds ________ interesting to learn t
o drive a car.
A. it B. this C. that D. what
( )2.You ________ get her a scarf as a birthday gift.
A should be supposed to B. are suppose to C. are supposed to D. should suppose to
( )3.The man ________ his shoes before entering the room.
A wiped dirt off B. wiped dirt in C. dropped dirt off D. dropped dirt in
( )4.A group of volunteers go to the Green Lake Park to ________ litter every month. Shall we join them?
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