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[10-20 00:48:13]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  高二英语试题   阅读:8640
概要: 【摘要】大家在复习知识点的同时,也不要忘了大量练题,小编为大家整理了高二英语上册期末试题,希望大家喜欢。A卷(100分)I. 听力 (共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. What will the man probably do this evening?A Go to the concert. B Study C Have an exam.2. Where does the conversation probably take place?A In a shop. B In a classroom C In an office3. How will the man leave for London?A By air. B By train. C By car.4. How many students are there in this class?A About 20. B About 40. C About 60.5. What will the man do o



I. 听力 (共两节,满分20分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. What will the man probably do this evening?

A Go to the concert.  B Study    C Have an exam.

2. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A In a shop.    B In a classroom  C In an office

3. How will the man leave for London?

A By air.    B By train.   C By car.

4. How many students are there in this class?

A About 20.    B About 40.   C About 60.

5. What will the man do on the weekend?

A Go to the country.  B Take his wife to the country. C Take his son to the park.



6. What is the woman probably looking at?

A A photo of Martin’s family.  B A newspaper.  C A magazine.

7. What does Mary do?

A A teacher.      B A doctor.   C A lawyer.


8. Where are the two speakers probably now?

A In an office.     B In a restaurant.  C In the woman’s house.

9. What does Mary think of her boss?

A Thirsty for work.    B Easy to deal with. C Active in everything.

10. When does the conversation take place?

A In the morning.    B In the afternoon.  C In the evening.


11. Why does the woman ask the man to go to her office?

A He was late.    B He broke the rules.  C He didn’t listen in class.

12. What did the man want to do in class?

A Mention the teacher of her mistake.

B Have the teacher repeat what she said.

C Have the class be quiet.

13. Which of the following words can best describe the woman?

A Rude   B Proud   C Honest


14. When did the man have his exam?

A Last Thursday and Friday.

B Last Friday and Saturday.

C Last Saturday and Sunday.

15. What can we know from the man’s words?

A He got an “A” in history.

B He got a “C” in English.

C He got a “B” in geography.

16. Why does the man think English is difficult?

A He can’t learn the words by heart.

B He can’t pronounce it correctly.

C He makes mistakes in grammar and writing.


17. How much did the top winner get his prize?

A 1,000 dollars.    B 10,000 dollars.   C 100,000 dollars.

18. Where was the second winner from?

A West Hartford, Connecticut.

B Grand Junction, Colorado.

C Bloomington, Illinois.

19. How old was the third winner?

A 16 years old.     B 17 years old.     C 18 years old.

20. What can we know from the talk?

A The top winner did well in mathematics.

B The second place winner studied the Rainbow Ramsey Theory.

C The third place winner has invented an electronic device.

II. 单项填空(共15 小题,每小题1 分,满分15 分)

21. Wouldn’t it be _______ wonderful world if all nations lived in ________ peace with one another?

A. a; /   B. the; /   C. a; the   D. the; a

22. Every means ________ tried but without any result.

A has been   B was   C have been  D were

23. I strongly recommend that the information ______ in my report ______ to Mr. Brown without delay.

A. to be referred to; to be e-mailed  B. referred to; e-mail

C. referred to; be e-mailed   D. being referred to; being e-mailed

24. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time I _______ that evening.

A. was interrupted      B. had been interrupted

C. would be interrupted     D. should be interrupted

25.Between the two rows of trees      the teaching building.

A.stand   B.stands            C.standing        D.are

26. ---What did you think of the performance given by the famous dancer?

---Not so good. In fact, it ________ to be a great disappointment.

A. turned up   B. turned out  C. turned in   D. turned down

27.---Would you mind having this letter_______ ?

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