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[10-20 00:48:13]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  高二英语试题   阅读:8604
概要: 22. In my opinion , the thief is likely to come , please look _____ for him .A. up B. after C. out D. down23. ______, and everything will be all right.A. Hold off B.Hold on C. Hold out D. Hold up24. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from their parents speak at home.A. what B. that C. which D. one25. The visit _____ to Guilin is worth rememb

22. In my opinion , the thief is likely to come , please look _____ for him .

A. up                  B. after         C. out               D. down

23. ______, and everything will be all right.

A. Hold off             B.Hold on      C. Hold out           D. Hold up

24. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from      their parents speak at home.

A. what                B. that         C. which             D. one

25. The visit _____ to Guilin is worth remembering for ever.

A. paid                B. paying       C. to pay             D. being paid

26. We can never expect_______bluer sky unless we create_______less polluted world.

A. a; a                 B. a; the        C. the; a              D. the; the

27. Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. No one in the office knew ______she was so angry.

A. where               B. whether       C. that               D. why

28. Scientists have many theories about how the universe_______into being.

A. came             B. was coming     C. had come       D. would come

29. —When could you have a meal with me ?

—I'd like to go whenever it is______ to you.

A. fit               B. nice              C. convenient         D. suit

30. I don't think I need any money but I'll bring some_____.

A. in case           B. in case of          C. in no case          D. in that case

31. Don’t believe in him; he was _____ with the ability to tell lies.

A. fixed            B. equipped           C. supplied           D. born

32. He looked around and caught a man ______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A. put            B. to be putting         C. to put            D. putting

33. Read the passage ______ which I__________ in my talk.

A .from; inferred   B. to; preferred      C. to; referred        D. to offered


34. —Can you lend me some money?

—I’m short of money myself, but _____, I’ll give you some .

A.someway       B. anyway        C. however          D. therefore

35. —There is a hole in your bag?

—I know. I'm going to have it __________.

A. mend         B. mending         C.mended         D. to be mended

第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Unexpected things may happen every day but no one can tell when and where. People usually get surprised or frightened by such things.

One day I 36 a taxi to go to a meeting. As it came near the corner, the taxi stopped suddenly.The  37        got out looking very puzzled(迷惑). A big 38  which had been following the taxi stopped, too. The taxi driver was now 39  at the corner looking up 40 the sky and the truck driver got out and 41  him. A number of cars behind them were 42  to stop as well and a large crowd of people had 43  at the corner.

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