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[05-18 21:32:34]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  一年级英语寒假作业   阅读:8595
概要: 【摘要】一年一度的寒假已经到来,寒假既是大家放松的时候,走亲戚、着新衣、领压岁钱;同时寒假也是自我学习,增长见识的最佳时机。所以请同学们一定要做好自己的寒假学习计划,为此,www.kmf8.com小学频道为大家准备了2014年一年级寒假英语日记400字,希望能够切实的帮助大家!January312014I have stayed in Shanghai alone for a week. It’s time for me to go to my real home—it is in Beijing. My parents are waiting for me. Although outside is no matter how beautiful, Beijing is still my home. In fact, there is many fresh things. Like red bayberries. In the afternoon, I took a bus to Beijing. I was very unlucky tha



I have stayed in Shanghai alone for a week. It’s time for me to go to my real home—it is in Beijing. My parents are waiting for me. Although outside is no matter how beautiful, Beijing is still my home. In fact, there is many fresh things. Like red bayberries. In the afternoon, I took a bus to Beijing. I was very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen. I was very sad. I didn’t know why thieves went to steal other’s things. Why don’t they hunt for a job? I don’t why! I hope there is no thief in our motherland.





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