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[05-18 21:32:34]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  中考英语模拟题   阅读:8481
概要: ① put litter into the dustbin② stay up reviewing lessons all the time③ go to school without breakfast④ wash hands before meals⑤ open the window and take a fresh breath as often as possibleA. ①④⑤ B. ②③④ C. ①②⑤() 34. There are four basic skills in English learning — listening, speaking, reading and writing. Ms. Li suggests that students should spend 2.5 hours improving the four basic skills after class every week. According to Ms. Li’s form, Charles

① put litter into the dustbin

② stay up reviewing lessons all the time

③ go to school without breakfast

④ wash hands before meals

⑤ open the window and take a fresh breath as often as possible

A. ①④⑤             B. ②③④               C. ①②⑤

() 34. There are four basic skills in English learning — listening, speaking, reading and writing. Ms. Li suggests that students should spend 2.5 hours improving the four basic skills after class every week. According to Ms. Li’s form, Charles has spent        minutes in all (总计) practicing writing during the past three weeks.

A. 1.5                  B. 30              C. 90

() 35. Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others?

A. Repair.               B. Against.         C. Magic.


Boys and girls, this summer vacation is the time for you to take your mind off homework and prepare yourself for future life. The following is some advice on    36    to make your vacation meaningful and colorful.

Take exercise. Regular exercise, much health. You    37    hard most of the time so far. Therefore, you need to join in outdoor activities, which can bring your whole body into action. You can benefit from different forms of exercise    38    swimming, jogging, and mountain climbing.

Learn some basic life skills. One day, you will live alone. As a result, you can’t    39

your family any longer. In order to deal with your    40    matters in your own life, you should learn cooking, washing and other practical (实用的) skills.

Go for a journey. Travel to places of interest. In this way, you can find the culture there different from    41    of your hometown. Beautiful scenery can    42    make you relaxed. Imagine that you are lying on the warm beach in bright sunshine, with light sea wind gently blowing. Isn’t it enjoyable and comfortable?

Enjoy family time. Home is the place in which you can rest, receive love and care from relations. Don’t always sit in front of a computer alone. Instead, the whole family should spend    43    watching a movie on the sofa together. Besides, it’s great fun for family members to gather around the table,   44    sports, clothes or other common topics (话题).

If you follow the advice above,  you will achieve health, independence (独立), peace of mind and feelings between family members. Today is the beginning of a new life. Your summer vacation must be full of    45    and success. Wish you a wonderful time!


() 36. A. whether            B. how              C. when

() 37. A. have worked        B. worked            C. will work

() 38. A. instead of          B. due to              C. such as

() 39. A. depend on          B. give up             C. hear from

() 40. A. public             B. negative             C. personal

() 41. A. it                 B. that                 C. one

() 42. A. also               B. either                C. too

() 43. A. some times         B. some time             C. sometimes

() 44. A. discussed          B. to discuss              C. discussing

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