告别了放纵与自由,新学期将我们领进英语的殿堂.一切将要展开新的一页,让我们一起来阅读初一年级英语作文:My Happiest Day吧~~
I am 13 years old now. Yesterday was my birthday. My parents had a birthday party. I invited some friends to the party.
In the morning my mother got up early and began to cook. My father helped her with cooking. They were so busy that they had no time io talk with me.
When all my friends arrived, my mother brought delicious food and a big birthday cake. My father gave me new clothes and some books as presents. I was moved to tears. My friends sang birthday songs for me and gave me some presents. I had a wonderful birthday.
www.kmf8.com为您提供的初一年级英语作文:My Happiest Day,希望给您带来帮助!
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