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[02-27 14:00:31]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  高一英语同步练习   阅读:8959
概要: 摘要:学好一门课程不能靠临时突击,要靠平时重视基础知识的掌握,多积累,多归纳,才能做到“厚积薄发”。小编分享高一英语下册语法和词汇知识同步练习,希望大家认真阅读练习!Ⅰ.语法和词汇知识1Tom pretended ______ it;but in fact,he knew it very well.A.not to listen toB.not to hear aboutC.not to have heard aboutD.not to be listening to解析:pretend not to have done假装没做过某事;pretend to be doing sth.假装正在做某事;pretend to do sth.假装做某事。由he knew it very well可知,应选C项。答案:C2Many people in China have never dreamed of ______ a chance for them to learn to drive after their retirement.A.being



1Tom pretended ______ it;but in fact,he knew it very well.

A.not to listen to

B.not to hear about

C.not to have heard about

D.not to be listening to

解析:pretend not to have done假装没做过某事;pretend to be doing sth.假装正在做某事;pretend to do sth.假装做某事。由he knew it very well可知,应选C项。


2Many people in China have never dreamed of ______ a chance for them to learn to drive after their retirement.

A.being      B.there

C.there to be  D.there being

解析:介词后用名词、代词或者动名词,所以there be句型要用there being的形式。


3I can't give my son the leading position.______,he is too young;secondly,I want Mr.Smith to have the job.

A.After all   B.For example

C.In the end  D.To begin with

解析:after all毕竟,终究;for example例如;in the end最后;to begin with 首先。根据句意知应选D项。


4We were very tired and walked with difficulty,but we got home ______.

A.at all     B.after all

C.above all  D.in all

解析:“我们已疲惫不堪,行走艰难,但我们毕竟到家了。” after all此处表示“毕竟”之意。


5He makes about $1000 every week,much ______ is spent on books.

A.of which      B.in that

C.among which  D.of it

解析:定语从句补充完整为:much of the money is spent on books,所以用of which来引导这个定语从句。


6Some advertisements,like the environmental protection advertisement ______ to our conscience or our desire to be worthy citizens.

A.adapt  B.attach

C.appeal   D.adjust

解析:adapt“适应;改编”;attach“缚,系”;appeal “恳求;呼吁;有感染力;吸引”;adjust“调节,适应”。句意:一些广告,比如环保广告,唤起我们成为受尊敬市民的良知或欲望。由句意可知答案为 C项。


7We paid ______ cash in the hope that we can get 15% ______.

A.with;account  B.in;charge

C.by;count     D.in;discount

解析:in cash用现金;by check用支票;account账户;charge费用,收费;count数,计数;discount打折,折扣。句意:我们用现金支付,希望能得到15%的折扣。


8Countless people in developing countries no longer suffer malnutrition.______,poverty remains a problem worldwide.

A.While   B.Nevertheless

C.Besides  D.In addition

解析:while“而,却”,表示两者之间的对比;nevertheless“然而,不过”;besides“此外”;in addition“另外”。句意:无数的发展中国家的人们不再营养不良。然而,贫穷仍是一个存在于全球范围内的问题。由句意可知,只有B项符合题意。


9A health care project can provide treatment ______ half the cost or less,______ the needs of the patient.

A.at;relied on   B.with;relying on

C.at;relying on  D.by;relies on

解析:at cost“以成本价”;at half the cost“以半价”;rely on 后接了宾语“the needs of the patient”,而句中已有了谓语can provide,所以rely on 必须用非谓语动词的形式;treatment和 rely on之间是主动关系,应用现在分词的形式。


10Big companies in Germany generally ______ the euro,while small manufacturers are nervous;big banks are in favor;small ones are against.

A.consist of   B.complain of

C.approve of  D.dream of

解析:consist of组成,构成;complain of抱怨;approve of赞成;dream of梦想。句意:在德国大公司普遍赞同欧元,而小手工业者则很不安;大银行支持,而小银行则反对。根据句意知选C项。



1咱们得把好苹果拣出来,同坏的分开。(sort out)


答案:We must sort out the good apples from the bad ones.

2他的各科成绩均佳,尤以英语为好。(above all)


答案:He does well in all his subjects but,above all,in English.

3你可以指望我帮助你。(rely on)


答案:You can rely on me to help you.



答案:You shall perform the experiment the way they do.



答案:Patience and devotion are essential to scientific research work.



Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion in Scotland.In an interview,she recalled how she became a percussion soloist(打击乐器独奏演员) in spite of her disability.

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