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[10-20 00:48:13]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  高二英语试题   阅读:8913
概要: 21. People show great enthusiasm for fantasy movies, because they can make ____ unreal seem to be _____ real.A. /; the B. an; the C. /; / D. the; /22. Mr. Green requires that the students ______ cheat in any exam.A. won’t B. can’t C. wouldn’t D. not23. ______ most of its population of approximately 20 million people living near the coast, swimming and surfing are popular activities for many families at the weekend.A. As

21. People show great enthusiasm for fantasy movies, because they can make ____ unreal seem to be _____ real.

A. /; the            B. an; the        C. /; /           D. the; /

22. Mr. Green requires that the students ______ cheat in any exam.

A. won’t      B. can’t        C. wouldn’t       D. not

23. ______ most of its population of approximately 20 million people living near the coast, swimming and surfing are popular activities for many families at the weekend.

A. As              B. With          C. For          D. Sinceks5u

24. Tom ______ full marks, but he was too careless and made a spelling mistake.

A. could gain  B. could have gained C. must have gained D. must gain

25.—What do you think of your step-mother?

—There are some things that are not easy to_____,but on the whole she is a good mother.

A.come up with   B.get along with   C.break up with  D. put up with

26. —— Was yesterday’s party a great success?

—— ______. Tom, who is a good mixer, didn’t show up.

A. Not surprisingly   B. Not necessarily   C. Not exactly    D. Not really

27. I won’t tell the student the answer to the math problem until he _____ on it for more than an hour.

A. has been working                  B. will have workedks5u

C. will have been working             D. had worked

28. —Do you know the 3G mobile phone has gone on market?

—Really? It is said to be superior ______ any other model. I can’t wait to have ______.

A. to; one            B. than; one         C. to; it  D. than; that

29. —______ was it that you managed to get yourself excused this time? A flat tire or the heavy traffic?

— What are you talking about ? My bike really broke down. ks5u

A. How             B. What             C. Why              D. Where

30. The fat lady jumped off the floor, screaming, as if ___ by a snake in the garden.

A. to have been bitten   B. bitten           C. being bitten        D. to be bitten

31. — Why are you so late?

— I was on the way when it ____ to me that I had left my book home, so I had to fetch it.

A. occurred     B. hit              C. happened     D. reminded

32. Due to the widespread _______ of this medical technology, more disease can be discovered and treated at an early stage.

A. presentation        B. application        C. qualification     D. appreciation

33. Without my glasses, I couldn’t _______ whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight.

A. make out      B. make up       C. make for   ks5u     D. make off

34. ________, visitors are no longer permitted to climb the stairs inside the Statue of Liberty.

A. Considering safe measures      B. Considered reasons for security

C. Due to security concerns        D. Because of considering safety

35. —Have you gone over what the teacher taught in class?

—Not yet.

—Better remember: _______.

A. Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatchedks5u

B. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush

C. Strike while the iron is hot

D. All roads lead to Rome




Fifteen years spent in the field of education has provided me with many treasured moments. One of the most unforgettable   36   when I was teaching the second   37 , 10 years ago.

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