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[02-20 23:12:05]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  五年级英语试卷   阅读:8804
概要: 很多人都觉得考试靠的是平时的积累,考前突袭只是安慰自己罢了。其实不然,考前的临阵磨枪也是相当重要的!为此,精品小编针对大多数人的情况整理了这篇沪教版5年级英语上册期中考试卷答案,一起来看看吧!一.英汉短语互译1.等待某人_______________________ 2. 回来_______________________3. 快点_______________________ 4. 购物清_______________________5. 一公斤面条_______________________ 6. 去超市_______________________7. 在周末_______________________ 8. 照相_______________________9. 你的书_______________________ 10. 分发_______________________11. lots of places________



1.等待某人_______________________             2. 回来_______________________

3. 快点_______________________                 4. 购物清_______________________

5. 一公斤面条_______________________           6. 去超市_______________________

7. 在周末_______________________               8. 照相_______________________

9. 你的书_______________________               10. 分发_______________________

11. lots of places_______________________          12. Don’t argue_______________________

13. come with_______________________            14. make a list _______________________

15. all right _______________________            16. three boxes of chess_______________________

17. be careful_______________________            18. every child _______________________

19.have/ha got_______________________           20. too many books_______________________


(    )1. ______ did you come back? I came back yesterday.  A. When     B. Who    C .Where

(    )2.How much ______  do we need for our picnic?     A. cakes      B. bananas  C. cheese

(    )3. Please ______  the pencils..                A .give to       B. give out     C. give up

(    )4.  ______  water do you want?            A. How much    B. How many    C.  How big

(    )5.Yesterday I bought   ______ ice-cream, but I ______  it.

A. a;  droped   B. an;  dropped   C. an;  droped

(    ) 6. ______  did you go ? I went to the Great Wall.        A. How      B. What     C. Where

(    )7. This is ______  cap. That cap is ______               A.. my;  hers  B.mine ; her   C. his;  my

(    )8. I ______ shopping  ______  my mother yesterday.    A. go; and    B. went; with   C. went; for

(    ) 9. ------I’m sorry.

------______           A.You’re welcome.        B. That’s great.        C. That’s ok.

(    )10. There  ______   too many books on the desk.         A. am       B. is      C. are

(   )11. What _____ juice?                             A. on       B. are     C. about

(   )12. -------What did you do?

-------We ______ lots of places.                   A. visites    B. visited   C. visit

(   )13. -------_______ did you go?

-------We went there by bus.                     A. When     B. How    C. Where

(   )14. -------Whose pen is this?

-------It’s ________                            A. he        B. him     C. his

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