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[02-21 00:02:23]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  六年级英语试卷   阅读:8213
概要: 很多人都觉得考试靠的是平时的积累,考前突袭只是安慰自己罢了。其实不然,考前的临阵磨枪也是相当重要的!为此,精品小编针对大多数人的情况整理了这篇沪教版6年级英语上册期中考试卷答案,一起来看看吧!.按要求填空。1.hobby(复数)_______________ 2.fly(动名词)___________ 3.knife(复数)__________ 、4.these(反义词) _______________ 5.we(宾格) _______________ 6.Chinese(名词) _______________7.collect(现在分词) ____________ 8. French (国家名) __________ 9.address(复数) ______________10.please(形容词)____________ 11.America (形容词) ______________ 12. can(否定形式) __________二. 英汉互译。1.发一封电子邮件_______________ 2.元宵节__



1.hobby(复数)_______________     2.fly(动名词)___________  3.knife(复数)__________                、4.these(反义词) _______________ 5.we(宾格) _______________  6.Chinese(名词) _______________

7.collect(现在分词) ____________ 8. French (国家名) __________ 9.address(复数) ______________

10.please(形容词)____________ 11.America (形容词) ______________ 12. can(否定形式) __________

二. 英汉互译。

1.发一封电子邮件_______________     2.元宵节___________________

3.思念中国__________________       4.成为我的笔友______________

5. 见到你很高兴______________ 6. 在加拿大的唐人街______________

7. 给……写信 __________________ 8.拉小提琴__________________


11. eight million people__________________ 12. ride bicycles to work__________________

13. write emails and stories in English __________________14. carry flags__________________

15. the Tian’anmen square _____________ 16. have a special meal__________________

17. Dragon Boat Festival __________________ 18. picture books__________________

19. American festival__________________ 20. a big family dinner__________________

三. 单项选择

(    )1. I ___a  big  toy  ship  from  my  mother.   A、has  got      B、have got   C、hasn’t   got

(     )2.. -------______ is  Shanghai ?

-------It 's got about 16 million people . A.How many  B. How big  C. How long

(     )3. Now you can have _______ Chinese stamp. A. another  B. other C. the other D. the other of

(    )4. It 's a picture ______ the Huangshan Mountain . A. of            B. with        C.   /

(    )5. Do you like _______ ? A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming

(    )6. Beijing __about fourteen million people . A. have          B. have got      C. has got

(    )7. -------What are you doing Daming?

-------I’m _________ an email to my friend.  A. send      B. sends        C. sending

(    )8. Is there  a  letter ____  me ?  A . in              B.  to           C. for

(    )9. All  of  these  postcards  are ____China.   A. from       B. with     C.  for

(    )10. I  am ____an  email  now .   A. send      B. sending   C. sends

(    )11. I  can’t ____ now .It’s  nine  o’clock.   A、 goes   B、going    C、go

(    )12. My  hobby  is____.    A  fly kites  B、to flying kites   C、flying kites

(    )13. _______ stamp is my hobby. A. Collect   B. Collects   C. Collecting

(    )14. Have you got _______ stamps from China? A. some   B. any    C. much

(    )15. We always have a special meals _______ Thanksgiving Day. A. on      B. in     C. at



1. Daming ______________ ( visit ) America now .

2. __________ ( tell ) me more about the Great Wall .

3.There _____  (be) a book and two pens.

4. ______  you    ________  ( miss ) China ? Sometimes .

5. We  ______________  ( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow .

6. They ______________  ( collect ) lots of great stamps last year .

7. Can you _______ (make ) a paper plane for me ?

8. Let’s ______________  ( go ) to Chinatown now .

9. Look ! My sister _________ ( play ) with the toy cars .

10. I _______ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning .


1.Sam likes go swimming in summer.(改成一般疑问句)

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