121 What's the time.
122 I'm late.
123 It's twelve.
124 It's eight in the morning.
125 It's time for class.
126 Let's go home.
127 Let's go to bed.
128 Good night.
129 Class is over.
130 Stand up.
a: What's the time?
It's eight.
I'm late.
What's the time?
It's twelve.
I'm hungry.
b: What's the time?
It's eight in the morning.
It's time for class.
c; What's the time?
It's four in the afternoon
Let's go home.
What's the time?
It's nine in the evening.
Let's go to bed.
Good night! Ellen.
d: What's the time, Edda?
It's four.
Class is over.
Stand up class!
Goodbye! Sr.
五年级小学听力对话Unit Three
五年级小学听力对话 Unit Two
五年级听力 Unit one
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