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[11-25 17:37:47]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  家乡作文   阅读:80
概要: 关于家乡的英语作文:家乡的变化我家在周至县,近几年发生了很大的变化。就拿我家来说吧。 以前,我们家没有电脑。爸爸是个工程师。以前,爸爸画图都要用手画,画的时候要用尺子,画错了不得用橡皮擦,不小心会把绘图纸擦烂,画图慢,还得不停地削铅笔。画出的线条不优美。画一张图纸要用一两天时间。还要描图、晒图最后才能形成工程图纸。总共需要三天。现在,我家买了电脑。他可以用电脑画图了,不用描图;只要用一小小的鼠标点来点去,就可以代替人工所做的一切。一张工程图画好只要一下的时间。画完了直接一打印,又清晰又美观。 有了电脑。我总在电脑上帮妈妈打文章。我自己还用文件夹,存了动画片、日记、作文等。我还用它看文学名著。我还用它学英语、装软件,打游戏……妈妈就用它制卷子、打词语。电脑给我家带来了许多方便。 今年夏天,我们家还添了电冰箱。以前,夏天的东西经常会坏,坏了就扔了,多可惜。现在电冰箱可以冷藏食品,食品放在冰箱里不会坏。它可以给我制作冰块。我补课回来,我就冷冻一个冰块让我解渴。冰箱给我家带来了方便。 去年,我们家还买







My home in Zhouzhi County, in recent years great changes have taken place. Take it as my home.     

Previously, we do not have a computer. Dad is a engineer. Previously, all hand-painted father drawing, painting the time to use a ruler, draw the wrong should not use erasers, careless drawing paper will wipe Black, drawing slow, it has kept cutting pencil. Draw lines not beautiful. Painting a drawing to use 12 days time. Also depicts maps can be formed Shaitu final engineering drawings. A total of three days. Now, I bought a home computer. He can use a computer drawing, not depiction map as long as the mouse with a small point to point, we can replace artificial done everything. As long as a good picture of what the time. Direct an unfinished print, and clear and beautiful.     

With computer. I always helped his mother in a computer article. I also used folders, of the cartoon, diary, writing, etc.. I also use it to read literary works. I also use it to learn English, installed software, playing games…… mother used it Juanzi system, fighting words. My home computer to bring a lot of convenience.     

This summer, we also add a home refrigerator. Previously, the summer often bad things, the bad throw, the more a pity. Fridge can now frozen food, food in the refrigerator not bad. It can give me ice production. I makeup to return, I ice on a frozen Let me thirst. Fridge has brought home to me convenience.     

Last year, we also bought a home air conditioning. Previously, no air-conditioning in the winter, wear clothes get up, I was in the possession of Woli. Now, with air-conditioning, not to wear clothes on the cold. In the summer without air conditioning, it can help people in the heat of nausea, not activities. Now, with air conditioning in the summer, no matter what time, as long as a use of air conditioners, for a cold wind will feel very cool, cool like exposure to the same forest.   
We have recently appeared on the Internet in most people's home computers are on the Inter net. Previously, no Internet, or would like to contribute something, as long as an E-mail, they can vote to boost composition of the letter sent out. The Internet has also brought us more convenient.    

Ah! We really big changes in his hometown!

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