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五年级英语作文:A Job

[10-20 00:24:18]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  英语作文   阅读:8558
概要: Rose left the school and went to a college to learn typing when she was seventeen years old. She passed all the examinations quite well. Rose was looking for a job and it's not very hard for her because there was a growing need for typists at that time. Rose lived with her parents. She went to a company which was close to her parents' house and said to the manager," I want this job but how much will you pay me?" The manager said, " I will pay you twenty seven pou
五年级英语作文:A Job,标签:初一英语作文,小学英语作文,http://www.kmf8.com

  Rose left the school and went to a college to learn typing when she was seventeen years old. She passed all the examinations quite well. Rose was looking for a job and it's not very hard for her because there was a growing need for typists at that time. Rose lived with her parents. She went to a company which was close to her parents' house and said to the manager," I want this job but how much will you pay me?" The manager said, " I will pay you twenty seven pounds now and thirty pounds after three month." Rose said after she thought for a few seconds, "Ok, I will start after three month."

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