
[02-23 15:30:43]   来源:  初一英语教案   阅读:8382
概要: Step 3 Read and say听录音或使用媒体资料学习第113课第一部分,最好不看书。可提问学生几个问题:What’s in the fridge? Is there any fish in the fridge? Are there any chicken legs in the fridge?Don’t we have any eggs in the fridge? Why do they go shopping?跟读直至读熟。然后两人读对话。Step 4 practice11. 让同学们也把值日生做Duty report的话题练习一遍。2.假如你今天邀请几个朋友吃饭,让学生看着盒子(假定为冰箱)里的东西列出一购物单,所买东西不要太多也不要太少,够吃即可。看谁的东西经济实惠。老师画一商店的图,并画出商店所卖的商品和价目表。供顾客们选购。根据购物单同桌两人便对话。一人为售货员,一人为顾客。可用这几句话:Can I help you? I’d like ….. Here you are. Here i

Step 3  Read  and say


What’s in the fridge? Is there any fish in the fridge? Are there any chicken legs in the fridge?

Don’t we have any eggs in the fridge? Why do they go shopping?


Step 4  practice1

1. 让同学们也把值日生做Duty report的话题练习一遍。


根据购物单同桌两人便对话。一人为售货员,一人为顾客。可用这几句话:Can I help you?  I’d like ….. Here you are. Here is the money. 对话可长可短,因人而异。

Step 5  practice2


Step 6  Consolidation

Do workbook


Blackboard Handwriting

Unit 29  Shopping

Lesson 113

New Words: chicken  tofu  fridge  list (shopping list)  buy  kilo

Useful expressions

What do we have for dinner this evening? What about…? How about…?

Let me make a shopping list. Fish is my favourite. What do we have in the fridge?

Lesson 114 教学设计方案

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