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《Welcome to Australia》教学纪实与评析

[10-19 23:35:26]   来源:http://www.kmf8.com  备课资料   阅读:8226
概要: 教学内容:EEC小学英语课本第六册第五课。教材分析:本节课为EEC教材小学课本第六册Lesson5的第三课时。本节课在第一课时及第二课时的基础上,进一步巩固练习句子“Welcome to…”及感叹句“What a…”的运用,学习六个生词,并对熟悉和喜爱的国家、地点进行简单的描述,初步了解课本中所涉及到的几个国家的人文地貌。学情分析:本课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生。他们已经具有了一定的英语基础和初步的理性思维能力,同时对于新鲜、陌生的事物充满了求知的欲望,乐于用英语表达所见、所闻、所学并积极地参与到学习活动中来。本课设计了体验性教学活动,结合学生的生活经历,使学生能够自主地完成既定的学习任务,逐步巩固已学习的教学内容,培养他们英语语言思维能力,拓展第二语言国家的人文知识。教学目标:生词:countrycityEgyptParispyramidstower句子:Welcome to…What a … place/country/city!I saw…教学重、难点:1.感叹句What a…!在情境中情感的真实流露和表达。2.准确把握beautiful/wonderful
《Welcome to Australia》教学纪实与评析,标签:小学英语教学,小学英语学习,http://www.kmf8.com
  本节课为EEC教材小学课本第六册Lesson5的第三课时。本节课在第一课时及第二课时的基础上,进一步巩固练习句子“Welcome to…”及感叹句“What a…”的运用,学习六个生词,并对熟悉和喜爱的国家、地点进行简单的描述,初步了解课本中所涉及到的几个国家的人文地貌。
  句子:Welcome to…What a … place/country/city!I saw…
  1.感叹句What a…!在情境中情感的真实流露和表达。
  1.Greeting& Revision
  T: Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to Mary’s class. There are so many teachers here today. Let’s welcome them.
  Ss: Welcome to Mudanjiang.
  T:I’m from Harbin. I’m new here. Could you introduce some places to go in Mudanjiang?
  S1: You can go to Dafuyuan supermarket.
  S2: You can go to Jingpo Lake.
  S3: You can see the waterfall.
  T: Thank you very much. Before I came here, I searched some pictures of Mudanjiang on the internet.(Showing the scenery of Mudanjiang on the screen.)
  T:Look! What a beautiful place! What a wonderful place!
  Ss: What a beautiful place! What a wonderful place!
  (Writing on the board.)
  1. Teaching the new words
  T: Mudanjiang is a city .The landmark is Jingpo lake. Can you tell me some other cities?
  S1: Harbin is a city.
  S2: Shenzhen is a city.
  S3: Shanghai is a city.
  S4: Beij

  www.kmf8.com ing is a city.
  T:Yes, do you know the landmark of Beijing?
  S1: Tian’anmen .
  S2: The Great Wall.
  T:Well done! Yes, they’re the cities in China. China is a country. And The famous animal is…
  Ss: Panda.
  T:Very good. Can you tell me some other countries?
  S1: Australia is a country.
  S2: Japan is a country.
  S3: The U.S.A is a country.
  [评析: 新授词汇city /country不是简单的机械呈现,而是让学生在教师的示范中理解,在调动已有知识的运用中习得。既引发了学生的思考,又复习了本节课要点。更是以学生为学习主体的体现。]
  T:Excellent! Today I’ll show you another country. Let’s look!(多媒体播放埃及法老、狮身人面像及金字塔等配乐短片,使学生感受到异域神秘的风彩。)
  T:Wow ,what a fantastic place!
  (Writing on the board.)
  T:Do you know the name of the country?
  Ss: 埃及。
  T:Yes, it’s Egypt in English.
  Ss: Egypt.
  [评析:观看多媒体影片,让学生感受埃及国家的神奇,真实地运用感叹句及 “fantastic”这个形容词!同时激发学生学习了解这个国家的欲望。]
  T: Beijing is the capital city of China.Now, let me show you another capital city.(多媒体出示法国巴黎地图。)
  T:Paris .
  Ss: Paris.
  T:Do you know the landmark there?
  T: Yes, Eiffel Tower.
  Ss: tower.
  T:Where did you see it?
  S1: I saw it in the book.
  S2: I saw it in the picture.
  [评析: 在情境中,引发学生思考,复习I saw…]
  T:Do you know some other towers?
  S1: Dragon Tower.

  S2: Dongfangmingzhu Tower.
  T:Yes. Oriental Pearl TV Tower.
  T:Now, let me see if you know all these new words.(多媒体反馈四个新授单词的图片。)
  2. Listen to the tape
  T:Egypt and Paris are beautiful places.Our friends Sandy and Billy also went to some places. Let’s listen to the tape. “Where did they go?”Please tell me.
  S1: They went to Australia.
  S2: They went to Egypt.

  S3: They went to Paris.
  T:This time let’s chant along.

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