Conversation 1
W: Having visited so many different countries, you must be able to speak several different languages.
M: I wish I could, but French and English are the only ones I have ever learned to speak.
W: Have you ever tried Chinese?
M: Yes, but I gave up halfway. The Chinese characters are too difficult to practise.
W: How about Japanese?
M: I had studied in a Japanese class for two or three months, but the more I learned, the more difficult the grammar became.
W: Do you like traveling?
M: No, I don’t, but I have to. I work in the sales department.
Conversation 2
M : Close your book and get your paper ready. Now, we' ll have a dictation.
W: Yes, sir.
M : Listen carefully and I'll read it through first. While listening, try to catch the main idea of the dictation. That way, you'll find the dictation easier.
W: All right, sir.
M: When taking the dictation, you should pay attention to your handwriting, punctuation and speed. Are you ready?
W: Yes, you can start, sir.
www.kmf8.com- 高一英语寒假作业:寒假最新练习听力材料一
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